- 2029 Hueneme Beach, California
- 2028 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2027 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2025 Vicksburg, MIssissippi
- 2024 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2023 Williamsburg, Virginia
- 2022 Fayetteville, Georgia
- 2021 Mobile Conference
- 2020 Dallas Conference
- 2019 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2018 Kansas City, Missouri
- 2017 Suffolk, Virginia
- 2016 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2015 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
- 2013 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2012 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2011 Courtland Virginia
- 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2009 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2008 Salado Texas
- Pictures Salado, TX 2008
Every year individuals from all over the world attend the Joseph Vick Family of America Genealogical Society. We listen to speakers, give presentations to educate the society on roots research and how to use all the modern tools that are at our finger tips (DNA). In the past we have gathered together to meet at a different location identified with the Vick family; Vicksburg, Mississippi & Isle of Wight, Virginia, but we have had annual meetings in the past at the following locations; Cape Girardeau, Kansas City, Paducah KY, Salado TX, Salt Lake City, Virginia, Georgia & Ft. Wayne Indiana.
We always broadcast Video & Audio live. You may join via Zoom.com meetings for those that can't attend in person, Meeting ID: 838 6871 0795 Invite Link
Safety is always an important factor in our events, especially our annual meeting logistics. You should know that COVID-19 is one of our many concerns that we are constantly monitoring for face-to-face meetings.
So make sure that you are registered, that way when we send you the Broadcast link on Zoom.com you will be able to remain online during the scheduled speakers.
See the details of our schedule by clicking on our events to see the Agenda; We are in the final stages of planning our Annual Conference
Each session is up to 1 hour with questions to follow via text chat Zoom.com
At these annual meetings JVFOA members and the community are educated in classes on genealogy, family research and DNA testing. Members receive the JVFOA quarterly newsletters as their main source of sharing information.,

Family Gathering
It is exciting to gather each year at another location of historical importance for the Joseph Vick Family of America.