21 JUNE 2008



Board Members Present:
Jerry Thomas Vick
John Edward Vick
Gailen Vick
Shirley Anne Vick
Other Members Present:
Prentiss Rogers Vick
Austin Vick
Larry Vick
Jesse Mayfield
Lori Vick Millsap
Pam Vick
The meeting was called to order and Gailen Vick offered up a prayer.
The minutes of the board meeting of May 18, 2008 were read and approved.
Thanks were expressed to Larry for his driving of the DNA project and to Gailen for his work on the reunion committee.
Prentiss enquired as to how may had come to the reunion and it was posited that there were around 50 at the dinner on Friday night.
A discussion was begun on the subject of future meetings as we are committed to continuing with the meetings.  It was suggested that we should have a meeting every year in the third weekend of June, and try for June 19, 20, 21, 2009.
There was a discussion of how to handle the sharing of research.  It was decided that it would be appropriate to have the sharing on Saturday as so many people have to leave early on Sunday to go home.
A suggestion was made that we inform our members of the plans in the newsletter with the hope of stimulating interest.
An election of Directors was held and all current board members were retained.  A motion was made and seconded that James Larry Vick be appointed to the board of directors to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Di An Vick.
Treasurers report:  no expenses on this reunion.
An amnesty was declared on dues with terms to be decided.  Shad Vick is working on a system to pay dues online.
It was suggested that we use some of the money to help fund the DNA project when in involves a situation where we would benefit from the information obtained.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.
Shirley Anne Vick