16 January 2011

Board Meeting via Conference Call

of the

Joseph Vick Family of America

Board Members Present:
Larry Vick
Laura Wikey
John Edward Vick
Terri Winham
Shirley Anne Vick
Pam Vick
Jerry Vick
Lori Vick Millsap
Daniel Vick
Meeting was called to order by president John Edward Vick.
Proof of notice was given, after which it was established that a quorum was present.
John Edward Vick offered a prayer.
Minutes of the 17 October 2010 meeting were approved.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Laura Wikey reported that we have a balance of $3,911.34.
Newsletter Editor Report:
Newsletter Editor Larry Vick reported that the October newsletter has been delayed, but would be out soon.  Larry also noted that he will get the January and April newsletters out before the reunion.
DNA Committee Chair’s Report:
Larry Vick reported that there had been little DNA activity as of late. 
Book Committee:
Pam Vick updated the Board on the plans for creating a Vick database, which would ultimately help to form the basis for the next book.  There was a general discussion on how to coordinate the project and how to involve others.  It was agreed that time would be set aside at the Annual Meeting in Virginia to further coordinate the database project.  Pam Vick made a motion to change the name of the Book Committee to the Database Committee.  Jerry Vick seconded the motion and all approved.  (In future minutes, “Database Committee” will replace “Book Committee”).
Reunion Committee Report:
Lori Vick Millsap reported that few concrete details for the Annual Meeting had been decided, other than the dates.  It was agreed to hold the meeting in the vicinity of Courtland, Virginia.  Lori reported that she would soon begin the process of selecting a facility for the meeting and scheduling events for the Meeting.
CD Status Report:
Pam Vick reported that at the present time twenty-two paid CD orders have been mailed and that the pay and mailing system is running smoothly.  It was agreed to send additional complimentary CDs to select libraries/archives.
New Business:
Larry Vick suggested honoring James Perrin with lifetime membership in the JVFOA.  Lori Vick made a motion to honor James Perrin, Terri Winham seconded, and all approved.  It was agreed to send Mr. Perrin a plaque, letter, and CD.  Larry Vick asked if Mary Vick Graves had received lifetime membership.  Daniel Vick agreed to check the minutes and John Edward Vick agreed to check his correspondence, to determine if Mary Vick Graves has been honored.
With no further new or unfinished business, the Board agreed to adjourn.