18 FEBRUARY 2007
Members present via telephone:
Gailen Vick, Director/Events Committee/Reunion Director
James “Larry” Vick, DNA Committee Chairman
Di Ann Vick, Director/Publisher/Newsletter Committee Chairman
Richard Wright, Director
John E. Vick, Director
Shirley Anne Vick Knapp, Secretary
Jerry Thomas Vick, Director
Mary Ann Vick Graves, Director/Treasurer
Robert Allen Vick, President/Chairman
Shadwrick J. Vick, Web Site Committee Chairman
Jeremy G. Vick, 2008 Reunion Committee
Joe Jurlina, Director
L. Ray Vick, San Diego, CA
President Robert Allen Vick requested that Gailen Vick open with a prayer after which the meeting was called to order. It was determined that there was a quorum present.
Minutes of the last meeting, 22 July 2000, were read and approved as read.
Richard Wright advised that the Articles of Incorporation were filed and that the organization is in good standing. Mary Vick Graves advised that we are up to date with IRS filings.
Robert Allen Vick expressed his thanks and that of the board to James B. Davis for the many things he has done for the Association. Others attending expressed their high regards.
Robert Vick called for discussion of election of the Board of Directors. It was determined that Joe Jurlina has consented to stay on the board for the time being.
Di An Vick inquired if any of the group had heard from Betty Vick Hoover as her correspondence had been repeatedly returned. As no one had, Richard Wright moved that the position on the board be declared vacant. The motion was seconded by Jerry Vick. Di Ann Vick moved that Gailen Vick be elected to the Board to fill that place. Seconded by Richard Wright. Motion carried.
Mary Vick Graves asked to be relieved of her positions but consented to remain for the time being. Mary requested that another signatory should be appointed for the checking account. Shirley Anne Vick Knapp agreed to be an alternative signature. Motion made by Richard Wright and seconded by Gailen Vick. Motion carried.
Discussion followed as to whether we need an audit. Since there was so little money involved and audits are so expensive it was determined that we did not. We now have $4,986.25 in the treasury. John E. Vick made a motion to approve financial report, Richard Wright seconded. Motion carried.
A discussion was held regarding a reunion 2008 reunion. It was put forth that there is an urgent need for reunions and newsletters to disseminate news and hopefully to heighten interest in the organization. There is a need for new members.
Di Ann Vick proposed that we need to appoint someone to coordinate meetings and moved that we elect a Reunion Director. Richard Wright seconded. Motion carried.
The Director may appoint a committee to assist him or her.
John E Vick nominated Gailen Vick for the position of Reunion Director. Di Ann Vick seconded. Motion carried.
Probable site for a reunion is Austin, TX. The time would be the second week in June of 2008.
Appreciation was expressed to Di Ann Vick for the high quality of our newsletters and the suggestion was made that we try to help Di Ann due to the size of the task and her wish that someone would eventually replace her. Di Ann welcomed the suggestion of help and has plans for implementing changes. She requested that members submit materials for the newsletters such as articles, anecdotes and histories. Mary Vick Graves will send complimentary copies to people who have inquired about the organization. It was also proposed that we can send information to people using the internet.
DNA: Gailen Vick recommended that we have a committee to work on the DNA project. Gailen recommended that we nominate Larry Vick. Richard made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Gailen. Motion carried.
Mary Vick Graves nominated Shadwrick Vick to be chairman. Jerry Vick seconded. Motion carried.
The establishment of an Historic Preservation Committee was deferred until next meeting.
It was decided to arrange another meeting by Conference Call for 20 May at 5:00 PM, EDT. on the east coast.
John E. Vick made a motion to adjourn which was seconded and approved.
Shirley Anne Vick Knapp, Secretary