19 AUGUST 2007


Board Members present via telephone:
Gailen Vick, gailen@RLTinc.com
Richard Wright, orwlaw@yahoo.com
James Larry Vick, jameslvick@yahoo.com
Jerry Thomas Vick, janrvick@earthlink.net
Mary Ann Vick Graves, mvickgraves@earthlink.net
Joe Jurlina, jurlina1244@tx.rr.com
Robert Allen Vick, ravick3@verizon.net
Shirley Anne Vick, sacvick@bellsouth.net

After a prayer by Robert Allen Vick and a determination that a quorum was present, the meeting was called to order.

A motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting was made and seconded.  The minutes were approved as mailed.

Gailen stated that Jeremy Vick would join us later with a report on plans for the meeting next year in Austin, TX.

A report on the DNA project was given by Larry Vick.  Apparently there are some new and surprising findings regarding the origin of the Vicks.  Certain information suggests that the Vick originated in Norway and or Sweden.

Robert Allen Vick complemented Larry on the fine job he is doing with the DNA project.

Gailen reported on the website that Shadwrick has developed.  It contains information about the JVFOA and the DNA project.  It also contains information on contacting the organization regarding membership.

A correction needs to be made to the By Laws due to a typographical error.

ARTICLE III,  2., Upon the death, resignation or inability to serve of any Director, the remaining Directors shall fill the vacancy in their number within six (6) month after such vacancy occurs, by majority vote, and a majority consensus may be obtained by telegram, telefax, telephone or other means of instant communication.

Please correct any copies you may have.

Mary Vick Graves explained the report she sent out showing our financial standing.

A discussion followed regarding the advisability of submitting application to become a 501C3 corporation.  Opinions were put forth on both side of the issue.  Gene Wesley Vick is working on this project and will send information to Richard Wright.

Mary also remarked that she and Di Ann have designed a form for the website regarding people asking for information which would send copies of the newsletter by email to those people.

Joe requested an up to date list of members.

Gailen stated that he will be doing a mailing regarding the reunion along with a list.

Robert Allen Vick inquired if we were going to be getting newsletters on a regular basis.  He opined that it might not be necessary for the newsletters to be devoted to genealogy every time but just a simpler, more frequent mailing, just to keep in touch with the members.

Jeremy joined us and gave details of the work he has done of organizing the reunion.  He is investigating a “campground” facility near Austin and also a hotel.  He told us of the numerous interesting sites around Austin and thinks that perhaps some families can make vacation plans around the reunion.  John and Jerry offered their help.

Shirley Anne Vick, Secretary