- 2029 Hueneme Beach, California
- 2028 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2027 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2025 Vicksburg, MIssissippi
- 2024 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2023 Williamsburg, Virginia
- 2022 Fayetteville, Georgia
- 2021 Mobile Conference
- 2020 Dallas Conference
- 2019 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2018 Kansas City, Missouri
- 2017 Suffolk, Virginia
- 2016 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2015 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
- 2013 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2012 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2011 Courtland Virginia
- 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2009 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2008 Salado Texas
- Pictures Salado, TX 2008
2021 Annual Meeting - Virtual via Zoom
October 23rd, 2021
We will be broadcasting Video & Audio live. We had planned on having an onsite event in Mobile, Alabama, but Covid-19 Changed our plans . Connect to our conference on Zoom.com - use your computer or smart phone by clicking this link;
We will be broadcasting Video & Audio live. We had planned on having an onsite event in Mobile, Alabama, but Covid-19 Changed our plans . Connect to our conference on Zoom.com - use your computer or smart phone by clicking this link;
For 2021, October 23rd WE WILL HAVE A VIRTUAL WEBINAR via Zoom
Safety is always an important factor in our events, especially our annual meeting logistics. As everyone knows COVID-19 is one of our primary concerns for meeting together this year.
So make sure that your membership dues are current, that way when we send you the Broadcast link on Zoom.com you will be able to remain online during the scheduled speakers.
VIDEO RECORDINGS--Click Titles in Agenda.
10 AM | JVFOA Annual Board Meeting - Open to all JVFOA Members - Followed by JVFOA Annual Member Meeting & Election of Officers and Board members/final wrap-up. |
11 AM![]() | Welcome by Gailen Vick - Along with a presentation on Free Software Solutions & Apps. Connect with relatives that are working on the same family lines. Gailen10, Sidney Calvin9, John Shadrack8, Arthur Robert7, Shadrack Rivers6, Arthur5, Shadrach4, Athur3, Richard2, Joseph1. Gailen & O. Richard Wright Esq. met at the Vick Reunion in Vicksburg, Mississippi 1989 gathering that had been organized by Mary Jo McCary. Richard & Gailen had the privilege of formally incorporating JVFOA in the State of North Carolina in 1990. Gailen served as President of JVFOA in 1993 and most recently from 2012 to present. His love for the history and heritage of the Vick family has driven him to promote the JVFOA Genealogical Society around the world. |
11:30 AM | Key Note Speaker: John D. Beatty (VIDEO STARTS AT 29:30) "A Look at the New Vick Book”, a reference librarian in The Genealogy Center. He is a Board-certified genealogist, an author of sixteen books on local and family history, he served as principal editor for volume one of a two-volume History of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana. He has conducted original research on families from colonial New England, Pennsylvania, Maryland & Virginia. He serves as archivist for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana. |
Saturday, October 23, 2021 | |
1 PM![]() | Presentation by James Larry Vick - Subject; "Using Our DNA to Build a More Inclusive Family Association and a More Comprehensive Family Tree & History."Larry is the treasurer-registrar of the Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County and the Society’s past librarian. He is a director of the Joseph Vick Family of America and is the Association’s newsletter editor. Additionally, Larry is the administrator of the VICK and Allied Families DNA Project, and was one of six 23andMe Ancestry Ambassadors. Larry retired from the US Air Force as a full bird colonel and his last assignment was supporting Vice President AL Gore. |
3 PM | Round Table Discussion - Meet the experts, James Larry Vick, John D Beatty, Robin Yaklin & Pamela Strickland Vick |
5 PM | Open Discussion for all attendees to ask & receive answers to you family history questions |
JVFOA Annual Meeting via Zoom Time: Oct 23, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 881 8762 0022 |