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| 4 PM
| Presentation by Gailen Vick - Subject; Free Software Solutions & Apps. Connect with relatives that are working on the same family lines. Gailen10, Sidney Calvin9, John Shadrack8, Arthur Robert7, Shadrack Rivers6, Arthur5, Shadrach4, Athur3, Richard2, Joseph1. Gailen Vick & O. Richard Wright met at the Vick Reunion in Vicksburg, Mississippi gathering that had been organized by Mary Jo McCary. Richard & Gailen had the privilege of formally incorporating JVFOA in the State of North Carolina in 1990. Gailen served as President of JVFOA in 1993 and most recently from 2012 to present. His love for the history and heritage of the Vick family has driven him to promote the JVFOA Genealogical Society around the world.
| 7 PM | Presentation by Debbie Parker Wayne - Subject: mtDNA: Mom's Mom's Mom's Line - member of JVFOA DNA committee and project co-administrator. Debbie is working on how we can use mitochondrial DNA to solve mysteries in the maternal lines of our Vick ancestors. Debbie is a board-certified genealogist. She edited the book and authored one chapter of Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies; coauthored the DNA workbook, Genetic Genealogy in Practice; and developed the Continuing Genealogical Studies: Autosomal DNA course offered by National Genealogical Society (NGS). She is the DNA Project Chair for the Texas State Genealogical Society and the Early Texans DNA Project. | Saturday, 27 June | |
| 10 AM
| Presentation by James Larry Vick - Subject; William2 Descendants Gone to Texas. Larry is the treasurer-registrar of the Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County and the Society’s past librarian. He is a director of the Joseph Vick Family of America and is the Association’s newsletter editor. Additionally, Larry is the administrator of the VICK and Allied Families DNA Project, and was one of six 23andMe Ancestry Ambassadors. Larry retired from the US Air Force as a full bird colonel and his last assignment was in a support function to Vice-President Al Gore.
| 1 PM
 | Presentation by Michael Mayfield Vick - Subject; Texas Vick's roots from John2. Michael has lived in Texas his all his life. Univ. of Texas grad with 2 degrees & a Certified Public Account certificate. His career was spent in management consulting & as a Real Estate Developer. Michael is a real history buff & enjoys both Texas and Family history. He has the distinguish pleasure of knowing that his family attended the 1st Joseph Vick Family Reunion in Mississippi that was organized by Sam Vick in 1972. Michael's father, brother & Sister attended and returned home to tell the amazing stories of the Vick Family. Michael was one of the early participants in the Vick DNA Project. Retired, Michael & Gretchen his wife enjoy time with family.
| |
| 4 PM

| Presentation by Jack Tommy Vick - Subject; Texas Vick's roots from Robert2. Tommy Jack10,
Willard Jack9, Willard Burnice8, Robert Lee7, Edmund R.6, Edmund5, Jordan4, Robert3, Robert2, Joseph1. Jack retired as a Construction Executive where he was involved for 50 years. Born in Killeen, Texas. Jack currently owns along with my his 3 Daughters (Erin,
Jessica & Sarah) the Vick Ranch in Youngsport, Texas. This land was originally owned by
Robert Lee Vick and William Edgar Vick. Robert Lee sold his interest to Edgar a
year later when Edgar was getting married. The Ranch has been in our
family for 112 years. | 7 PM | Presentation by Robin Yaklin - Subject; Texas Vick's roots from Richard2. Bio; Robin Yaklin, a native Texan, is the director of research for the Joseph Vick Family of America Genealogical Society. For about six years she has applied her skills to an update to the book originally published in 2004, Joseph Vick of Lower Parish, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and his Descendants, Volume I. The update picks up where volume I ended and continues through the Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Robin entered volume I data into a genealogy database then requested updated information and lineage extensions from Vick family researchers. She continues work on the second volume, researching and looking for documentation to extend the lines because "genealogy without documentation is mythology."Robin has researched her family history for over thirty years, becoming hooked on genealogy after helping a friend trace ancestry for a genetic condition. Robin's mentor was the popular genealogical educator Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck. He was supervisor of the genealogical section of the Dallas Public Library from 1979 to 2009 and a well-known speaker. Robin honed her research skills on her travels to ancestral home places and genealogical repositories. Like many genealogists, those trips resulted in photo albums filled with headstone photos. Robin's degree in journalism and time as a newspaper journalist developed her writing skills. Her publications include magazine articles, short stories, essays, and she is working on a novel. Apart from genealogy and writing, Robin is a long-time practitioner of Wu Hao Tai Chi Chuan, a martial art practiced for health benefits and meditation. Great-granddaughter of Susan Tabitha Vick and Great-great-granddaughter of Henry S. Vick, son of ? Joshua S, #205, page 291
| Sunday, 28 June | 10 AM
| Presentation by Ellen Rose Vick Norris/Gailen Vick - Subject; Left Behind/Relative Finder. Ellen10, William Cornelious9, James Ulysses8, Robert James7, ?Benjamin6, William5, Jordan4, Robert3, Robert2, Joseph1. Ellen will discuss the families that were left behind when all the family moved west to Texas. Gailen will review FREE software that will give you the ability to link to any relative you meet. WE WILL HAVE ELECTION OF OFFICERS & BOARD DIRECTORS during this early morning session. | 1 PM
| Presentation by Dan & Robin Yaklin - Subject; Volume II, Joseph Vick Descendants Generations 6 to the present minus the last 100 years. Dan & Robin have been working on Volume II for over 5 years. Mr. John Beatty & Ms. Di Ann Vick co-edited Volume I which covers the first five generations of the descendants of Joseph Vick "Joseph Vick, of Lower Parish, Isle of Wight County, Virginia and his Descendants". |
If you have questions then contact our Event Coordinator; Mrs. Lori Vick Millsap, Events Coordinator, Atlanta, GA Tel. 251.533.8639 - Lori can be contacted at the following email, lorivickm@gmail.com