- 2029 Hueneme Beach, California
- 2028 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2027 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2025 Vicksburg, MIssissippi
- 2024 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2023 Williamsburg, Virginia
- 2022 Fayetteville, Georgia
- 2021 Mobile Conference
- 2020 Dallas Conference
- 2019 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2018 Kansas City, Missouri
- 2017 Suffolk, Virginia
- 2016 Fort Wayne, Indiana
- 2015 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
- 2013 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2012 Paducah, Kentucky
- 2011 Courtland Virginia
- 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah
- 2009 Vicksburg, Mississippi
- 2008 Salado Texas
- Pictures Salado, TX 2008
2019 Annual Meeting - Vicksburg, Mississippi
June 28-30, 2019 @ the Holiday Express & Suites, Vicksburg, Mississippi-Evie Hilderbrand, Sales Manager, tel. 601.634.8777 Ext. 501, evia@shshotelus.com, 4330 South Frontage Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180
Evie Hilderbrand, Sales Manager, tel. 601.634.8777 Ext. 501, evia@shshotelus.com, 4330 South Frontage Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180
It is only 1 week before Lori Vick Millsap & Honorary Vick, William Longfellow will host our 2019 Annual Reunion. Take a look at what we will be doing while there;
Vicksburg National Military Park–Old Courthouse-USS Cairo ironclad gunboat & Martha Vick (Circa 1830) home.
Pre-Activity Event - Come join the Joseph Vick Family of America as we tour Mont Helena on Friday June 28, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. before we kick off our annual meeting and reunion in Vicksburg June 28-30, 2019. Mont Helena is a Colonial revival style home built atop a ceremonial Indian mound in the Mississippi Delta. In 1896, Helen Johnstone Harris and her husband, George Harris built their "retirement" house on land that Helen had inherited. As a young woman, Helen suffered great heartache after being engaged to a young man, Henry Vick, of Nitta Yuma. She was to have married him in 1859, but, Henry was killed a week before the wedding in a duel.. The cost of this tour is $15.00 per person, cash only, payable on the morning of the tour.
It is only 1 week before Lori Vick Millsap & Honorary Vick, William Longfellow will host our 2019 Annual Reunion. Take a look at what we will be doing while there;
Vicksburg National Military Park–Old Courthouse-USS Cairo ironclad gunboat & Martha Vick (Circa 1830) home.
Pre-Activity Event - Come join the Joseph Vick Family of America as we tour Mont Helena on Friday June 28, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. before we kick off our annual meeting and reunion in Vicksburg June 28-30, 2019. Mont Helena is a Colonial revival style home built atop a ceremonial Indian mound in the Mississippi Delta. In 1896, Helen Johnstone Harris and her husband, George Harris built their "retirement" house on land that Helen had inherited. As a young woman, Helen suffered great heartache after being engaged to a young man, Henry Vick, of Nitta Yuma. She was to have married him in 1859, but, Henry was killed a week before the wedding in a duel.. The cost of this tour is $15.00 per person, cash only, payable on the morning of the tour.
June 28-30, 2019
28th June - Friday afternoon free time in County Courthouse
- 8 am to 2 pm, It is a dramatic tour of Mount Helena
- 4-5 pm check-in for meeting (pay dues and register)
- 4 PM Our president, Gailen Vick, will demonstrate an application (or app as they are called) named “Relatives Around Me”
- Annual dinner
- speaker: -Morgan Gates - subject: Colonization of the Vick's in MIssissippi, Morgan Gates is a life long resident of Vicksburg, with master’s degrees in history and education from Mississippi College. He is retired from the Vicksburg Warren School District where he served 28 years as a teacher and administrator. Today he is a licensed guide at the Vicksburg National Military Park, and works in various capacities as a living historian, storyteller, interpreter of Vicksburg’s rich history.
Saturday - June 29th
- 7- 9 AM Breakfast
- 9 AM Annual Board Meeting
- 10 AM Annual Meeting & Board Elections
- 11 AM Board Meeting to Elect Officers
- Noon Buffet lunch, speaker; David Maggio was born and raised in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Graduating in 1973 from Mississippi State University where he received his BS degree in Secondary Education. After college he took a job working for the Army Corps of Engineers, retiring in 2013 after 39 years of service. David has been a licensed tour guide in the Vicksburg National Military Park for 16 years and operates Maggio's Historic Walking tours in the City of Vicksburg. Over the years, he has and is serving on various Boards and Organizations helping to promote Vicksburg. David and his wife, Beth, have a son, Justin who along with his wife Amanda have given David and Beth two grandchildren, Roman and Harper.
- 1 PM DNA Research, Data Base Project & Presentations
- 4 PM Our president, Gailen Vick, will demonstrate an application (or app as they are called) named “Relatives Around Me”
- Martha Vick Historic home (heavy hors d'oeuvres from Abraham Catering)
- Members of the Joseph Vick Family of America Reunion catch up with one another Saturday evening at the Martha Vick House on Grove Street. They are, from left, Shirley Anne Vick of Atlanta, Victor Vick of Cincinnati, Ohio, Mary Ann Vick Graves of Decatur, Ga., and James Larry Vick of West Palm Beach, Fla
Sunday – June 30th
- Sunday Services (attend you local Church)
- 8 am Trip to Civil War Memorial
Event Coordinator; Lori Vick Milsap and William Longfellow