29 January 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting of the JVFOA Board of Directors
29 January 2017; minutes taken by Laura Wikey
Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick, Larry Vick, Phil Vick, Laura Wikey, Lori Vick Millsap, Robin Yaklin, Jerry Vick
Gailen Vick called the meeting to order.
Proof of notice was given, after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Phil Vick offered a prayer.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
President’s Report: Gailen Vick announced that meeting minutes and recorded sessions from the previous 18 months of board meetings, including the last annual meeting, have not been transcribed and are now unrecoverable as the video recordings have been deleted. Gailen Vick spoke with Secretary David Hammond on several occasions. David Hammond responded that he’s not going to be able to keep minutes at the meetings due to personal issues. Gailen Vick told David Hammond that we want him to be part of the organization, but we would find another way to get the minutes. Gailen Vick asked Laura Wikey to take minutes at today’s meeting. Laura Wikey accepted. Gailen Vick informed Laura Wikey that a recording would be available after the meeting to help with details for the meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Laura Wikey reported that the bank balance is currently $9367.37. Laura Wikey also reported that one Joseph Vick book was sold in December 2016, which leaves 309 books still available, and a deposit was made for the hotel meeting room in June that will be returned when we fill the block of rooms that Lori Millsap has reserved for us.
Newsletter Editor’s Report: Larry Vick reported that he was currently working on the January newsletter but it should go out in about two weeks. If there are any submissions, they should be made soon. The April newsletter will go out before the annual meeting. Gailen Vick mentioned that he had sent out the October 2016 newsletter today and commented that if we know of anyone who has not received the newsletter and was expecting a mailing or has not made arrangements for an alternate email address, please find an email address for a relative or neighbor that we can send it to or let him know. We are trying to reduce the number of copies that need to be printed and mailed. Gailen Vick praised the newsletters and found the October 2016 particularly insightful. Gailen Vick was thrilled to see Larry Vick publishing data that John Beatty had provided him at the last reunion. Gailen Vick also reminded the Board to thank Larry Vick for newsletter content they find interesting.
Researcher’s Report: Robin Yaklin reported that medical issues have curtailed her research abilities. She did some searches on Ancestry.com for Vicks who lived on the East Coast and were recorded on the 1790 census. According to Larry Vick, the Virginia census has been lost probably due to ill care. Robin Yaklin did not find many but did find out that less than one-half were slave owners and most were located in the low country near the coast or in the hills in the Chester district. Robin Yaklin asked if Larry Vick had received the pictures she sent of an obelisk from Cindy Vick Trammel (sp?) that ties the Oxford family and Perry (sp?) family to the Vicks in Kaufman County. Larry Vick indicated that he had not received them; Robin Yaklin will resend. Robin Yaklin also reported that Cindy Vick Trammel is a native of Kaufman County, east of Dallas. Many Vicks come from that area and many still live there. Robin Yaklin would like to meet with Cindy’s grandmother in the next month and ask her about the history of that area to match oral with recorded history and find out if any family histories still exist. There is a question about the family in East Texas especially during the 1860s typhoid epidemic. Phil Vick noted that he had checked the 1790 North Carolina census at his local library and found 20 Vick heads of household and 183 total Vicks. Robin Yaklin noted that she wants to tie the 1790 Vicks to Vicks in the book. Larry Vick mentioned that John Beatty had already done that research and the census Vicks should be in the volume I book. Gailen Vick reported that he had forwarded Robin Yaklin’s email to Ray Vick but not to K.T. Vick, II. Gailen Vick asked Larry Vick about any research that K.T. Vick, II, has done in that area. Larry Vick has not seen or is aware of any research by K.T. Vick, II.
Historian’s Report: Phil Vick reported that he had nothing significant to report. Phil Vick has an obituary for a 2nd generation Vick from the local paper that he will bring to the annual meeting for Larry Vick.
Chaplain’s Report: Jerry Vick informed Gailen Vick that David Hammond’s mother, Libby, receives a hard copy of the newsletter, and Gailen Vick would like to find someone near her who could print it for her. Otherwise, Gailen Vick will mail a copy. Jerry Vick reported he was working with shut-ins to get the phone numbers and email addresses of their children so we will be informed of any future incidents. Email addresses should be forthcoming from Jerry Vick in the near future. Jerry Vick reported he is in the process of moving due to medical issues. Jerry Vick also reported that he had recently spoken with Mary Vick Graves, who is doing fine. Mary Vick Graves told Jerry Vick that she and her husband Barry may be relocating to Connecticut to be near their youngest daughter who will assist with their care. Mary Vick Graves will let us know when that happens. Jerry Vick attempted to contact Billie Jurlina on several occasions with no success.
Annual Meeting Report: Lori Millsap reported confirmation from K.T. Vick, II, that he and his cousin will speak on Friday at the hotel. Dinner will be brought in. On Saturday, the Board will meet in the morning at the hotel. Lori Millsap has asked Joe Vick to reserve the Sebrell Civic Center – the same place we used at the last Virginia annual meeting. Lunch and dinner would be served there along with a speaker presentation at both meals. There was a question whether the general membership meeting would also be held there. The facility is large and favorable for setting up our event and leaving it. The silent auction did not do well last year, but did so when we used the Sebrell Civic Center in Virginia. We can spread the items out. On Sunday, Gailen Vick suggested a sunrise service to recognize veterans. Gailen Vick suggested that Phil Vick plan this portion of the meeting and work with Lori Millsap. It does not necessarily need to be a service but something to recognize some of our fallen veterans or existing veterans. Gailen Vick also suggested that we do this every time we meet. Larry Vick made a recommendation that we get in touch with the local speaker that we had last time. Larry Vick also mentioned that Ray Vick and Michael Mayfield Vick had mapped possible Joseph Vick property, which could be a potential presentation. Gailen Vick suggested this could be an interesting field trip and volunteered to call Ray Vick. Robin Yaklin suggested a speaker on Jamestown as a backup. Lori Millsap will find out if it’s a speaker bureau item or if there is any monetary cost. Lori Millsap thanked Robin Yaklin for sending a prior email regarding this item. Lori Millsap also reported that Joe Vick’s mother’s family reunion is on Sunday and that we are invited. Gailen Vick will add this event to the agenda. Gailen Vick also asked about a picnic at Vick’s Beach. Lori Millsap stated this will depend on events at the Sebrell Civic Center. Gailen Vick encouraged Lori Millsap to try and schedule something at Vick’s Beach. Lori Millsap will check with Joe Vick. Lori Millsap mentioned she is open to suggestions. Gailen Vick has updated the JVFOA website to reflect the current annual meeting agenda. Any changes or corrections should be sent to Gailen Vick. Larry Vick asked Gailen Vick if Ray Vick answered his email about attending. Gailen Vick indicated that he had not.
Unfinished/New Business: Gailen Vick again encouraged the Board to consider potential candidates for Secretary. The Board tends to elect members who sometimes feel overwhelmed and we want board members who will fulfill their assignment and not feel pressured. Gailen Vick announced that the next board meeting will be held in April 2017. Gailen Vick thanked the Board for their service and expressed the need to expand so that responsibility for running the organization is shared among all and not on a few core members. Gailen Vick is going to help Victor Vick with publicity. Lori Millsap asked if anyone had contact with Pam and/or Austin Vick. Gailen Vick mentioned he had called and left a message. Laura Wikey reported that she had received a Christmas card from Billie Jurlina, who is also doing fine.
With no further new or unfinished business, Phil Vick moved to adjourn and was seconded by Robin Yaklin.