2017 April 30 JVFOA Board Meeting
Meeting of the JVFOA Board of Directors
30 April 2017; minutes taken by Laura Wikey
Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick, Larry Vick, Phil Vick, Laura Wikey, Robin Yaklin, Jerry Thomas Vick
Gailen Vick called the meeting to order.
Proof of notice was given, after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Gailen Vick offered a prayer.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
President’s Report:
Gailen Vick thanked Larry Vick and Robin Yaklin for feedback on the press release.
Historian’s Report:
Phil Vick had nothing to report except he would not be able to attend the annual meeting. Gailen Vick reminded Phil Vick of his assignment for recognition of veterans on Sunday morning. Phil Vick reported this was not yet complete. Gailen Vick suggested a historical presentation that Phil Vick could plan with the help of Lori Millsap or other board members. Gailen Vick asked if Phil Vick could find out if any Vicks had served under the Republic of Texas or in the King’s Army before the United States was established. Phil Vick reported that he had discovered a sheriff (with the last name Vick) from Isle of Wight who had joined the Confederacy during the Civil War. Gailen Vick suggested that Phil Vick pass this information on to Larry Vick for the newsletter.
Public Relations:
Gailen Vick reported that Victor Vick had heart surgery in April but is doing well. On behalf of Victor Vick, Gailen Vick reported that a press release had been sent to various groups affiliated with a professional genealogist society website (fgs.org) that Gailen Vick had been directed to by Robin Yaklin. Gailen Vick reported that 350 press releases had been sent with eight responses thus far. Gailen Vick has been working with a software company (myfamilyonline.com) on a webpage for Joseph Vick. Gailen Vick is working on increasing the press release distribution to genealogical societies and individuals and will send the press release tomorrow to more than 2500 recipients. Gailen Vick requested on behalf of Victor Vick that the JVFOA fund $349 for a special press release. Laura Wikey asked about the exact use of these funds. Gailen Vick responded that this money would pay a distribution group that sends press releases to the general public via websites and social media sites as well as online magazines and newspapers. Robin Yaklin asked about the purpose of the press release. Was it to announce the reunion or speak about something else? What is Gailen Vick’s intent? Gailen Vick responded that the money would fund the press release for the upcoming JVFOA event to make people aware that the JVFOA exists and to attract annual meeting attendees. This was previously done by mail but there has been no public relations done in years so membership has been slow to increase. Robin Yaklin suggested that the press release should include information about the reunion with a hyperlink to the JVFOA website. Gailen Vick shared the press release online and pointed out various hyperlinks including one regarding the upcoming reunion as well as a link for more information. Laura Wikey inquired as to when these press releases will go out and are they given a deadline or does the company inform us when they are released. Gailen Vick responded that the press release usually goes out within two to three days and the receiving entity will contact Gailen Vick if they use the press release. Gailen Vick will send out the press release to the distribution group on Tuesday with approval from the board. Robin Yaklin wanted to know what the distribution company does with the press release after they receive it. If it is sent online, will it only be online or will it go to newsprint? Gailen Vick responded that the distribution company would direct the release to specific categories (i.e., genealogy, family history) within each recipient site who will decide how to distribute it. Laura Wikey moved that the board fund the press release through the distribution group and was seconded by Larry Vick.
Secretary’s Report:
David Hammond has resigned as secretary but will remain in that position on the JVFOA website until June 2017 when his term ends. Gailen Vick thanked Laura Wikey for helping with the minutes. The 29 January 2017 minutes have been approved via email. Larry Vick moved that the board approve the 29 January 2017 meeting minutes and was seconded by Robin Yaklin. The board meeting minutes taken by Daniel Vick are up to date online as of 12 April 2015. The board needs to review and give feedback for approval of 19 July 2015, 20 September 2015, and 30 October 2016 minutes. Minutes will be missing for January 2016 and April 2016. Laura Wikey will have June 2016 minutes transcribed before the next board meeting. Gailen Vick reminded the board that we needed to elect board members who can do the job and are not just talked into serving.
Researcher’s Report:
Robin Yaklin reported no changes regarding the JVFOA tree on Ancestry. Robin Yaklin has decided to use Family Tree Maker as the program in which she will build the second Vick book. Robin Yaklin also reported that she had previously emailed board members and posted on Facebook asking for World War I stories with no success. Gailen Vick directed Robin Yaklin to myfamilyonline.com. Robin Yaklin suggested having family tree information on several websites. Robin Yaklin asked Gailen Vick if myfamilyonline.com does independent research. Gailen Vick replied yes but only if we direct them.
Annual Meeting Report: Gailen Vick reported on behalf of Lori Millsap that KT Vick and his cousins, Frank and Barbara, would be giving a presentation on Friday night. Gailen Vick updated the JVFOA website for Larry Vick’s presentation on Saturday. Gailen Vick will contact Rick Francis on Monday as a possible speaker for Saturday. Larry Vick reminded Gailen Vick about the Nat Turner Insurrection bus tour that Rick Francis had mentioned at the previous Virginia annual meeting. Gailen Vick would like as many workshops as possible available and open to the public in order to get nonprofit status for the JVFOA; Gailen Vick will show free genealogical software and Larry Vick will present DNA research on Friday.
Treasurer’s Report:
Laura Wikey reported two pre-registrations for the annual meeting. One Vick book has been sold since the January 2017 board meeting leaving a total of 308 available. There is $8401.47 in the bank.
Chaplain’s Report:
Gailen Vick reported on behalf of Jerry Vick. Jerry Vick has reached out to Billie Jurlina and reports that she is fine but busy and had a new address. Gailen Vick also reported that Austin and Pam Vick were fine but would not be attending the reunion. Gailen Vick also reported that he had been in contact with Robert Allen Vick, who was JVFOA President from 2002 to 2007. Larry Vick asked Gailen Vick if he had an email address for Robert Vick for the newsletter distribution list. Gailen Vick replied that he did have an email address and would forward it. Gailen Vick reported that the board has not recognized any Emeritus Directors since 2009. Gailen Vick asked for nominations. Gailen Vick nominated Mary Vick Graves for eight years as JVFOA secretary. Gailen Vick also mentioned Mary Jo McCary – perhaps a special recognition at the next Vicksburg reunion. Laura Wikey moved that the board add Mary Vick Graves as Emeritus Director and was seconded by Phil Vick. Larry Vick questioned if this had already been accomplished at the last annual meeting that Mary Vick Graves attended. Gailen Vick will look into that. John Edward Vick was also mentioned for recognition at the next Texas reunion.
Newsletter Editor’s Report:
Larry Vick reported that the April 2017 newsletter was sent to Gailen Vick. Larry Vick also reported that half of the June 2017 newsletter was complete for July delivery. Gailen Vick will send out the April 2017 newsletter today.
DNA Committee Report:
Larry Vick reported that Mr. Ablett received his initial analyses from Y-Full with more to come. Larry Vick also reported that male Vicks had 14 specific changes in DNA and Mr. Ablett had 12. Each of the changes can be timed and one can guess fairly well how far back we have to go to find the common ancestor between Joseph and Mr. Ablett, which looks to be approximately 250 years. Joseph Vick’s father was not the father of Mr. Ablett’s ancestor and none of Joseph Vick’s sons were the father of Mr. Ablett’s ancestor. All of the results are needed before making a public announcement. Larry Vick is hoping to find someone with 13 or 14 changes. Larry Vick also reported on KT Vick, who is a William2 descendant as is Larry Vick. Larry Vick reported that older tests have not pinpointed changes at the William2 level, but he is hoping to do that with KT Vick’s results. Larry Vick is expecting KT Vick’s Y-Full analysis in the next month. Larry Vick thanked the board for approving the DNA test funding.
With no further or unfinished business, Larry Vick moved to adjourn and was seconded by Phil Vick.