20 September 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the JVFOA Board of Directors


20 September 2015; minutes taken by Laura Wikey

Board Members Present:

Gailen Vick, Larry Vick, Laura Wikey, Robin Yaklin, Jerry Vick, Phil Vick, David Hammond

Gailen Vick called the meeting to order. 

Proof of notice was given, after which it was established that a quorum was present.

Gailen Vick offered a prayer.

Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:

President’s Report:  Gailen Vick reported that he had spoken with Lori Millsap regarding the reunion.  Lori Millsap has reserved the Allen County Genealogical Library for Friday from 2 pm until 8 pm.  Lori Millsap also has a room for us all day Saturday.  For informational purposes, the reunion will be held at the Allen County Public Library.  The board of directors should be promoting the workshops.  Gailen Vick will update the JVFOA website to reflect this information.  Gailen Vick also reported that Lori Millsap spoke with John Beatty who had recommended a hotel downtown, but Lori Millsap will not take that recommendation because the hotel is too expensive.  Lori Millsap is going to look for a hotel closer to the library that will include breakfast and a meeting place for Saturday night and Sunday morning.  Lori Millsap also found some caterers and we will be able to have our evening meal at the Allen County Public Library.  Breakfast will be at the hotel on Saturday and lunch will be at the Allen County Public Library.  Gailen Vick reiterated that this is the time to push public relations and he is going to work with Victor Vick and his wife in this endeavor.  Gailen Vick reminded the board that at the last board meeting we should each take an active role in promoting this event in our local newspapers.  Gailen Vick asked Laura Wikey to modify the press release that was used for last year’s reunion and to send a copy to Victor Vick.  Laura Wikey agreed to this request.  Gailen Vick also requested that Laura Wikey send the press release to all board members for publishing in their local papers.  Gailen Vick asked Larry Vick to attach one or two photos that he felt would fit to the press release.  Robin Yaklin suggested an action-related photo.  Gailen Vick would like Lori Millsap to make the hotel choice this week. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Laura Wikey reported that the bank balance is currently $8939.85 with one check that was mailed to the cemetery committee still uncashed.  Laura Wikey also reported that she was unsure if the check arrived or if the committee was holding it.  An email had been sent to Stan Palmer asking if he could follow up on it, but Laura Wikey has yet to receive an answer.  The check was mailed on August 10, 2015.  Gailen Vick suggested that the committee might not have yet met as a board to approve anything so it was best to wait for a response. 

Secretary’s Report:  David Hammond reported that he had nothing to report other than attempting to get relatives to do DNA testing.  David Hammond mentioned that he might be able to help Robin Yaklin with the book project.  Gailen Vick requested that David Hammond call him to go over secretarial duties. 

Newsletter Editor’s Report:  Larry Vick reported that he wanted to have the newsletter done this weekend but ran into some problems so he will try to have it ready for next weekend.  Larry Vick reported that Robin Yaklin would be providing a column for the newsletter starting with the next newsletter.

DNA Committee Report:  Larry Vick reported that the best match is a European by the name of David Killup who was born and still lives on the Isle of Man.  Mr. Killup has agreed to take a small test that will give us a better idea how closely he is related to the Vicks.  Larry Vick hopes to have the results in the next month or two.  Larry Vick also reported on 23&Me.  Larry Vick mentioned that Sue LaBruyere had sent him an email regarding one of her Vick 2nd cousins who had disappeared and she had no idea what had happened to her.  Sue LaBruyere was able to re-establish contact after the 2nd cousin’s daughter tested at 23&Me and was a match to Vicks in Sue LaBruyere’s line.  Larry Vick reported on the Y-DNA project.  A new Robert2 descendant has joined the surname project and is waiting for his results.  Jerry Vick asked if the JVFOA was able to get the sample from Daniel Vick last year and if it was helpful.  Larry Vick reported that we had and it was helpful to the Robert2 line.  Robin Yaklin asked Larry Vick about samples from Jesse James Vick and Joey Dean Vick in Texas.  Larry Vick reported that we have the data and that there are over 100 Vick descendants in the DNA project.  Robin Yaklin had shared their profiles.  Larry Vick was able to do the comparisons.  Robin Yaklin reported that someone who has a Q contacted her through Family Tree DNA.  Robin Yaklin asked if Larry Vick could explain how common or uncommon the Q is.  Larry Vick explained that Q is a major branch on the family tree of mankind.  Among men of European ancestry, it is about 1-4%, so it is not very common but Q is a very high-level branch.  Larry Vick explained that what we need to know is further down the tree such as the haplogroup.  We know that the descendants of Joseph fit in much further down the tree.  Larry Vick said we have to have a lot more information than just someone is a Q. 

Researcher’s Report:  Robin Yaklin reported that she had sent off two tweets regarding the Vick meeting.  Robin Yaklin is going to do a column on history in the newsletter and would like input from the board on content ideas.  Robin Yaklin also reported that she is working on a second Vick book.  Robin Yaklin has set up a Dropbox account for members to send in correspondence, photos, and family tree files.  Robin Yaklin reported that she was in possession of a book she had received from Betty Strickland in Waco, published around 1990, that contains the family trees of Edmund R and his father Edmund forward to 1990 as well as documentation and newspaper articles.  There is no PDF of the book so Robin Yaklin has to scan the front and back of 300+ pages.  Robin Yaklin also reported that she has not had luck with Relative Finder.  Robin Yaklin suggests there may be a possible connection weakness for people who do not know their family tree or cannot trace it too far back.  Robin Yaklin also suggests that we need to explore how to use this website more effectively.   Robin Yaklin has also looked at Family Search and Family Tree Maker e-books but notes that all of the information consolidates in one place giving one person control.  Robin Yaklin realized that there were problems with this in the past and she would like to brainstorm on how to work around that.  Robin Yaklin thinks that Family Tree Maker may have a better e-book.    Gailen Vick is going to help Robin Yaklin get connected to the Vick group in Relative Finder.  Jerry Vick reported that he has part of the Edmund R line up to the ones who went to Texas and he would like to complete a significant portion of the Robert line that he does not have so he can share.  Jerry Vick suggested that he and Robin Yaklin make arrangements to get copies of the information at the next reunion. 

Historian’s Report:  Phil Vick reported that he had nothing to report.  Phil Vick was reminded by Gailen Vick that Phil was voted in as 2nd Vice President/Historian/Director since Phil was absent from the previous board meeting. 

Chaplain’s Report:  Jerry Vick reported that he had contacted Billie Jurlina within the last week.  Billie Jurlina is doing well and her children are traveling but check in with her regularly.  Jerry Vick also spoke with Mary Vick Graves who is in independent living now.  Mary Vick Graves mentioned that she is having problems transferring her files from the Mormon website to her personal software and is seeking someone in the Atlanta area to help.  Gailen Vick reported that he will speak with Lori Millsap about spending some time with Mary Vick Graves and possibly helping her with the data. 

Gailen Vick reminded the board that the next meeting would be the first Sunday in January.  Gailen Vick encouraged all board members to get one press release about the upcoming reunion into their local paper by the next meeting in January.  David Hammond will schedule the next board meeting. 

 With no new or unfinished business, Jerry Vick moved to adjourn and was seconded by Phil Vick.