2014 September 28 Board Meeting
Audio/Video Recording of the meeting - YouTube hyperlink - http://youtu.be/42mNk072INI
Meeting of the JVFOA Board of Directors
28 September 2014
Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick, Larry Vick, Pam Vick, Jerry Vick, Lori Vick Milsap, Robin Yaklin, Terri Winham and Shadwrick Joseph Vick
Gailen Vick called the meeting to order.
Proof of notice was given, after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Jerry Vick offered a prayer.
Minutes of the JVFOA Board of Directors Meeting from 21 June 2014, and from the JVFOA Membership Meeting from 21 June 2014 were approved.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
Annual Meeting Report:
Lori Vick Millsap reported that the JVFOA had blocks of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn and Auburn Place for the 2015 Annual Meeting in Cape Girardieu, and that Larry Vick would publish a column in the Newsletter explaining accommodation arrangements. Lori also suggested combining membership dues with the cost of the Annual Meeting.
Treasurer's Report:
Laura Wikey reported that the bank account as of September 28, 2014 stood at $8,078.53. The JVFOA received a check for $30 from Beverly Strickland for a one hour refund from the Annual Meeting in June. As of the Annual Meeting, the JVFOA has sold three books. The attendance for the June 2014 Annual Meeting in Waco was 26 on Friday night. All 26 joined the Texas Vicks on Saturday for a total of 71 attendees.
Newsletter Editors Report:
Larry Vick reported that the next edition of the newsletter should go out in the next day or two, once it has Pam's approval.
DNA Committee Chair Report:
Larry Vick reported that Daniel Vick was selected for the Big Y scholarship as he already had the FTDNA prerequisite 37-marker results and was from an untested line (Robert2) for the Big Y. In addition, Michael Mayfield Vick (a John2 descendant) has also ordered the Big Y. That gives us coverage of all but the Joseph2 line. Daniel and Mike should have results soon. The results should allow us to expand greatly what we know about Joseph1's Y-DNA signature and help to place individuals who don't know their Vick line into the proper branch of the Joseph Vick family tree. Additionally, three other Vick males have ordered 37-marker tests, and their results should be in soon.
Public Relations Committee Chair Report:
Terri Winham noted that she is continuing to contact local media outlets about the JVFOA Annual Meeting in Cape Girardieu. Gailen Vick suggested contacting national news publications as well.
Database/Website Committee Chair Report:
Shad Vick showed the Board the traffic patterns for visitation to the JVFOA website.
With no further new or unfinished business, Lori Vick Millsap moved to adjourn and was seconded by Robin Yaklin; all approved.