2 June 2013

Board Meeting via Conference Call

Of the Joseph Vick Family of America
Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick
Pam Vick
Jerry Vick
Larry Vick
Laura Wikey
Daniel Vick
Meeting was called to order by Gailen Vick.
Proof of notice was given after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Jerry Vick offered a prayer.
Minutes of the 21 April 2013 meeting of the JVFOA Board of Directors were approved with a correction.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
Treasurer’s Report:
Laura Wikey reported that the bank balance currently stands at $4906.06.
Database/CD Report:
Pam Vick reported that she has obtained a copy of John Edward Vick’s database and has inventoried the contents.  The Board discussed various ways to “police” content that will potentially be added to the JVFOA database.  Pam also noted that there would be a discussion on the database at the Annual Meeting in Vicksburg.
Newsletter Editor’s Report:
Larry Vick reported that the January and April newsletters were completed and that the July edition would focus on the Annual Meeting. 
DNA Committee Report:
Larry Vick explained to the Board new refinements in DNA testing that could allow for greater accuracy in determining descent from Joseph Vick’s sons.  Larry also reported that recently a non-Vick male tested and matched the Joseph Vick line.
Unfinished/New Business:
Gailen Vick noted that plans for the Annual Meeting in Vicksburg were in place.  It was also agreed that several copies of the Joseph Vick book would be brought to the Annual Meeting for the silent auction.  Pam Vick reminded Board Members to bring an item for the silent auction.  With no further unfinished or new business, Gailen Vick moved to adjourn and was seconded by Larry Vick.