22 June 2013

Board of Directors Meeting

Of the Joseph Vick Family of America

Vicksburg, Mississippi

Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick
Pam Vick
Jerry Vick
Lori Vick Millsap
Terri Winham
Nellie Millsap
Larry Vick
Laura Wikey
Daniel Vick
Shad Vick (via Webex)
Richard Wright (via phone)
Meeting was called to order by Gailen Vick.
Proof of notice was given after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Jerry Vick offered a prayer.
Minutes of the 2 June 2013 meeting of the JVFOA Board of Directors were approved.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
Treasurer’s Report:
Laura Wikey reported that as of June 18, the bank balance was $5018.91.  The Board discussed attempting to renew the initiative for 501 c-3 status. 
Assistant Treasurer’s Report:
Terri Winham updated the Board on plans for the Annual Meeting in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
At 10:00 a.m, Larry Vick moved to halt the meeting so that the Membership Meeting of the JVFOA could convene.  Jerry Vick seconded the motion and all approved.
At 4:00 p.m. Gailen Vick reopened the Meeting for the Board of Directors.
Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick
Pam Vick
Jerry Vick
Lori Vick Millsap
Terri Winham
Larry Vick
Laura Wikey
Daniel Vick
Shad Vick (via phone)
The Board agreed to the following Officer/Committee Assignments:
Gailen Vick, President
Larry Vick, First Vice-President, Newsletter Editor
Jerry Vick, Second Vice-President, Chaplain
Daniel Vick, Secretary, Historian
Laura Wikey, Treasurer
O. Richard Wright, Legal Counsel
Terri Winham, Public Relations
Pam Vick, Newsletter Publisher, Database Coordinator
Lori Vick Millsap, Reunion Chair, Events Coordinator
Nellie Millsap, Accountant, Assistant Events Coordinator
Shad Vick, Technology/Information Specialist, Website Director
The Board also discussed a merchant account for the website as well as potentially reprinting the Joseph Vick book.
With no further new or unfinished business, the Board adjourned.
Meeting of the Joseph Vick Family of America
22 June 2013
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Board Members Present:
Gailen Vick
Pam Vick
Jerry Vick
Lori Vick Millsap
Terri Winham
Nellie Millsap
Larry Vick
Laura Wikey
Daniel Vick
Shad Vick (via Webex)
Meeting was called to order by Gailen Vick.
Proof of notice was given after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Gailen Vick suggested setting a minimum number of meetings a Board member should attend to remain on the Board of Directors.  Laura Wikey made a motion that Board members should attend at least three Meetings and was seconded by Jerry Vick.  The membership approved the motion.  It was also agreed that upon Board approval, members could be excused from a meeting.  Additionally, the membership and Board agreed that web-conferences and teleconferences constituted valid Board Meetings.
Gailen Vick then opened the floor for nominations to the Board of Directors.  The following persons were nominated:
Jerry Vick nominated Lori Vick Millsap, Terri Winham seconded and all approved.
Larry Vick nominated Nellie Millsap, Gailen Vick seconded and all approved.
Lori Vick Millsap nominated Laura Wikey, Gailen Vick seconded and all approved.
Terri Winham nominated Shad Vick, Jerry Vick seconded and all approved.
Gailen Vick nominated Daniel Vick, Pam Vick seconded and all approved.
Pam Vick nominated Terri Winham, Larry Vick seconded and all approved.
It was agreed to leave open the vacancy created by Joe Vick’s expired term at this time.
Treasurer’s Report:
Laura Wikey reported to the membership that the current bank balance stood at $5,018.91.  Laura also reminded the membership that dues are due at this time.
Annual Meeting Chair Report:
Lori Vick Millsap reported on the progress of the 2014 Annual Meeting in Texas.  Lori asked if the membership approved of combining the JVFOA Annual Meeting with the reunion of the “Texas Vicks”.  Terri Winham made a motion to combine the meetings and was seconded by Pam Vick and all approved.
Gailen Vick updated the membership on the JVFOA’s renewed commitment to obtain 501 c-3 status. 
Gailen Vick also led a discussion on potential Annual Meeting locations for the next six years.  After discussion, the membership approved the following schedule:
2014:  Waco, Texas
2015:  Cape Girardeau, Missouri
2016:  Ft. Wayne, Indiana
2017:  Southhampton County, Virginia
2018:  Nashville, Tennessee
2019:  Vicksburg, Mississippi
With no further unfinished or new business, Jerry Vick moved to adjourn and was seconded by Gailen Vick.