15 April 2012

Board Meeting via Conference Call

of the

Joseph Vick Family of America

Board Members Present:
Laura Wikey
Larry Vick
Pam Vick
Lori Vick Millsap
Nellie Millsap
Joe Vick
Terri Winham
Daniel Vick
Meeting was called to order by Joe Vick.
Proof of notice was given after which it was established that a quorum was present.
Minutes of the 15 January 2012 meeting were approved.
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs:
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Laura Wikey reported that the bank balance stood at $3,665.01.
Newsletter Editor’s Report:
Larry Vick noted that he and Pam Vick were about to finish the April newsletter and that it should be completed by the end of the month.  It was also agreed to send out a pre-registration form for the reunion via e-mail.
DNA Committee Chair’s Report:
Larry Vick noted that there had been a new member to the Y-DNA project and that should be interesting changes in the 23&ME project over the next several weeks.
Database Committee:
Pam Vick reported that there had been little activity on the Database project.  Pam also noted that she intended to visit with Shad Vick at the Annual Meeting to discuss how to proceed with the project. 
Reunion Committee:
Lori Vick Millsap reported that she would have meal arrangements finalized by the end of the week and that she was also finalizing a schedule of events for the Annual Meeting.
CD Report:
Pam Vick reported that two CDs were sold in February and three in April.
Isle of Wight Project:
Larry Vick reported that he had contacted Mr. Brantley about the project and how best the JVFOA could contribute; as of the meeting, Larry had not received a response from Mr. Brantley.  Joe Vick volunteered to speak with the Southampton County Historical Society or the Isle of Wight County Historical Society to determine if the donation could be made through one of those organizations. 
With no new or unfinished business, Joe Vick made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Larry Vick.